EHA Annual General Meeting 21 June 2012
The EHA  will host its 12th Annual General Meeting on  June 21, 2012 from 12:30 till 14:30 at the Palais des Academies, Rue Ducale ,  Brussels. on»
The Energy Tax Directive proposal that  the EU Commission presented last year was voted down on April 19 as the Parliament was not ready to increase taxes in the current economical climate. According to the EC  proposal, the motor fuel tax shall be split between a CO2 based and an energy based component by introducing a minimum flat tax for all fuels to be implemented stepwise until 2018,  offering an option to the Member States to postpone any tax increase to 2023. The EP report recognized the need for consistency with regards to the rates of taxation, but suggested a highet tax on diesel and supportive measures for CNG and biogas. The proposed new tax system would automatically redistribute the relative advantages of various fuels in terms of CO2 emissions. on»
Spain Update: desde el cuàndo y el dònde, a ahora y ya
Sagrari Miguel is the new office manager of the Spanish Hydrogen Association, AeH2.  As a post  graduate in renewables energy, fuel cells and hydrogen, she joined the team of AeH2 last June. The Spanish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform, of which the AeH2 is the technical secretariat,  was recently invited to a meeting at the new Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in which the deputy secretary for research development and innovation confirmed the importance of this platform for Spain’s future development strategy. on»
Hannover Fair FCEV Drive and Ride refuelled by green hydrogen
The FCEV and EV Drive and Ride at the Hannover Fair is a big success: long lines, even in the rain, are forming the first days of the fair for test drives . The Fair with more than 5.000 exhibitors, over half foreign, has seen an increase of exhibitors of 8%.  ”Greenintelligence” has been the fair’s theme over recent years and the clean energy and clean transport showcases are also this year very prominent. The Drive and Ride includes the VW Tuareg HyMotion, Daimler FCELL,  Honda FCX Clarity and Toyota FCHV adv and Opel  HydroGen4, who is bringing 10 FCEV to the fair. on»
Positive Discussion on ETS and Energy Efficiency
The meeting of Energy ministers in Denmark on Friday 20 April 2012 concluded by reaching an agreement on the approach recommended by the European Commission in its energy roadmap to 2050. Europe’s energy future will involve higher efficiency, more renewables and infrastructure upgrades, they said.
The ministers backed the roadmap’s ‘no regret’ options, which the commission says would apply to all decarbonisation scenarios envisaged in the document, regardless of the choices made by member states. on»
Hannover H2 and FC Exhibit storing vast amounts of sector’s energy!
Also this year the EHA is present at the Hanover Fair, an annual  showcase of  industrial activities in a range of sector’s. on»
EU Parliament adopts report on EC proposal for a new Energy Tax Directive
On April 19 the EU Parliament adopted the report of Luxemburg’s MEP Astrid Lulling (EPP), and Swedish shadow Rapporteur, Olle Ludvigson (S&D) on»
Commission announces new initiative to help achieve energy access for all by 2030
“Energising Development”: Commission’s new initiative to help achieve energy access for all by 2030 on»
ITM Power awarded grant for Hydrogen Study
ITM Power the energy storage and clean fuel company, has been awarded a grant under the Technology Strategy’ Smart Power Distribution and Demand competition. on»
FCH 2012 Call Workshop: how to improve your application
For those preparing submissions for the 2012 Fuel Cell and Hydrogen JU Call, Euresearch offers a cost-free workshop aimed at improving the quality of their applications. on»