6th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition (IRES 2011), Berlin
The next IRES conference in 2011 will take place at the bcc Berlin Congress Center on November 30, 2011. IRES 2010 attracted attendance from 41 countries with 600 attendees.
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ICH2P-2011-Thessaloniki, Greece June 19-21
The International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P-2011) is a multi-disciplinary international conference on the production of hydrogen through various methods as well as its use in various systems, including fuel cells.
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H2IT conference: “The Italian Hydrogen Way”
On June 14, 2011 will be held in Milan. The conference ”The Italian hydrogen way” will be organized by the Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association (H2IT).
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EHA presents views on H2 infrastructure at Cars 21 Working Group 1 meeting
The CARS 21 High Level Group was set up by the European Commission last November to develop a common action plan and a vision for “a competitive EU automotive industry and sustainable mobility and growth in 2020 and beyond.”
The focus of the group will be to advise the Commission in the development of an effective European industrial policy for the automotive sector and in the implementation of the EU’s strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles. The EHA has been invited to participate in the working groups that are preparing recommendations for the final report schedueld for this Spring. The EHA explained in its presentation to the Working group on Innovation, infrastructure, energy supply and use,  the need to start integrating hydrogen requirements in current transport and energy infrastructure planning. Incentives will be needed […]
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The Fuel cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking launched 4th annual call for proposals
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking whose total budget amounts to nearly  €1bn to be invested by 2013, published its fourth annual call for proposals May 3. In the context of European objectives towards a low carbon economy, an increased energy security, reduced  oil dependence and the delivery of improved power management, the contribution of these green technologies is essential to address current challenges while sustaining EU competitiveness and job creation. The deadline for application is 18 August 2011. Evaluation of proposals will be carried out in September 2011 and projects selected for contract negotiations should be announced already by the end of December 2011. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking was established on 14 October 2008 as the first illustrative example of a public-private partnership instrument under the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), technology pillar of the EU’s energy and climate policy.
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EU Transport White Paper: EHA position represented in joint paper
The European Commission on March 28, 2011 presented its new White Paper “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system” which adopted a roadmap of 40 concrete initiatives for the next decade.
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Public consultation meeting on EIB Transport Lending Policy
The EIB launched on 30 March 2010 a public consultation with a deadline for responses by 24 June 2011 in view of the revision of its Transport Lending Policy, the first sector policy the Bank consults upon publicly. A public meeting will be organized in Brussels on Monday, 6 June 2011.
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EHA solutes the the Mercedes Benz F-Cell World Tour as they conclude their final leg through Asia and return to Germany; and although the summer months bring new endings for some, new beginnings for others are underway with the development of two new hydrogen stations within Swindon, UK and Saitama, Japan. The EHA has been active over the last weeks in giving input on H2 infrastructure development in the Cars 21 WG 1 (April 28) and the FTF Expert Group (May 5). More input is needed on the perceived scale of H2 infrastructure needs in relation to the market perspectives on cars and buses. In this respect
the EHA is closely following development in the EU’s TEN T and Energy Infrastructure programmes. New opportunities for FC and H2 projects are offered in the FCH JU Call that came out on May 3 with a budget of more than 200 mln. An excellent opportunity for EHA national associations to actively engage national stakeholders and seek leveraging of national and EU budgets for certain topics! The EHA is also expanding its outreach to the younger generation by announcing the EHA HyTube award at the Challenge Bibendum in Berlin youngsters are
encouraged to send in their YouTube video on hydrogen activities in their country. The summer months will also bring new events to the surface including the EHA General Assembly which will take place on the occasion of a Mid-Summer Hydrogen Fest, a political meeting organised by HyRaMP and the Scandinavian regions. Taking place, in Oslo, Norway June 21st the event will bring together participants from all over Europe active in hydrogen and fuel cell research, development, and deployment within Europe. More information on this collaborative event will be featured in the EHA website in the coming weeks!
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Coca-Cola and Linde Launching Hydrogen Station at North Carolina Site
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated and Linde North America have announced that from June 2011 Coca-Cola’s distribution centre in Charlotte, North Carolina will begin using a Linde hydrogen fuelling system and will be used to fuel 40 forklift trucks.
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Mercedes F-CELL Final Leg of World Drive
The three Mercedes B-Class F-CELL cars began their planned 125 day World Drive in Stuttgart, Germany in early January marking the 125th anniversary of the automobile and have been circumnavigating the globe, making their way across southern Europe, North America and Australia.
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