IntroductionEHA solutes the the Mercedes Benz F-Cell World Tour as they conclude their final leg through Asia and return to Germany; and although the summer months bring new endings for some, new beginnings for others are underway with the development of two new hydrogen stations within Swindon, UK and Saitama, Japan.
The EHA has been active over the last weeks in giving input on H2 infrastructure development in the Cars 21 WG 1 (April 28) and the FTF Expert Group (May 5). More input is needed on the perceived scale of H2 infrastructure needs in relation to the market perspectives on cars and buses. In this respect
the EHA is closely following development in the EU’s TEN T and Energy Infrastructure programmes.
New opportunities for FC and H2 projects are offered in the FCH JU Call that came out on May 3 with a budget of more than 200 mln. An excellent opportunity for EHA national associations to actively engage national stakeholders and seek leveraging of national and EU budgets for certain topics!
The EHA is also expanding its outreach to the younger generation by announcing the EHA HyTube award at the Challenge Bibendum in Berlin youngsters are
encouraged to send in their YouTube video on hydrogen activities in their country.
The summer months will also bring new events to the surface including the EHA General Assembly which will take place on the occasion of a Mid-Summer Hydrogen Fest, a political meeting organised by HyRaMP and the Scandinavian regions. Taking place, in Oslo, Norway June 21st the event will bring together participants from all over Europe active in hydrogen and fuel cell research, development, and deployment within Europe. More information on this collaborative event will be featured in the EHA website in the coming weeks!
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