Workshop: How LCA Reports Can Contribute To Better Business Planning
Workshop: How LCA Reports Can Contribute To Better Business Planning Brussels –11:30 – 13:00 Monday 10 November 2014 (times to be confirmed; this workshop will run in on»
Large group of investors calls for leadership, ambitious policies on climate change
Just before a weekend of protest marches around the world more than 340 institutions called on September 18 for stronger policies on climate change to on»
India Energy Storage interest webinar October 15, 2014
Over the last three years the EHA is partner of the European Business and Technology Centre to promote innovation echanges with Indian intrerests in fuel on»
At H2Expo Hamburg: Japan includes H2 in key national energy plan
At the H2Expo in Hamburg, responsible director for hydrogen at NEDO and IPHE chairman, Michio Hashimoto, the Japanese National Energy Basic plan 2014 indicates  hydrogen on»
French National Association AFHYPAC strong response to government H2 paper
In reponse to a French ananlysis of the use og hydorgen by a French government strategist at  France Stratégie « Y a-t-il une place pour l'hydrogène on»
European Transport Conference 2014
This year's European Transport Conference which will take place on 29 September to 1 October 2014 in Campus Westend, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. These Urban Mobility sessions at ETC on»
New EU Commission towards European Energy Union?
On September 10 the Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker presented his team of 27 commissioners on»
TEN T Calls published as part of Connecting Europe Facility
On September 11, 2014 the EC published the first Call for Transport under the new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).  CEF Transport is the successor of the TEN-T Programme. The on»
EHA chairman at Telco Expo London November 11, 2014
Telco Energy & Infrastructure Efficiency conference organized in London this year seeks to tackle tackle operators" struggle against rising carbon emissions and energy costs across their networks and on»