AREVA H2 Gen inaugurates the first French electrolysers plant
AREVA H2 Gen inaugurated on 24 June 2016 the first French plant to manufacture electrolysers in the presence of Mrs Segolène Royal, French Minister of on»
WHEC 2016 Brief Day 1
The plenary session reflected the change in automotive moods since the WHEC 2014 in Korea: both BMW and Toyota referrred to increased customer and societal on»
WHEC 2016 links Spain to Europe’s H2 corridors!
The president of Aragon, Francisco Javier Lambán Montañes, opened the 21st of edition of the World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Zaragoza on June 13, on»
Labelling fuel cells
The European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee will vote on the reform of the Enerrgy labelling Directive (COM2010/30) led by Italian EU rapporteur read on»
Urban Nodes buzz word in TEN-T Days 20-22 June in Rotterdam
This year's TEN T Days will take place on June 20-22, 2016 in Rotterdam. The TEN-T forms the backbone of the European transport system with nine on»
Live encounter with Europe’s first H2 powered forklift truck site
The mid-term workshop of the European project HyLift Europe - Clean efficient power for materials handling - took place On june 7, 2016at the Prelocentre on»
MS noses point to the same wind direction
A memorandum of understanding was sigend on June 6, 2016 in Luxenbourg between Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden  to on»
EU EV projects update: 4th e-Mobility Stakeholder Forum
Three European Commission flagship projects on electromobility, FREVUE, looking at using BEV for urban deliveries,  I-CVUE,aiming to reduce CO2-emissions in urban environments by on»
Energy ministerial to accelerate corporate RE purchasing
Energy ministers and delegates from 23 countries and the European Union on June 2, 2016 met  at the seventh Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM7) on»
Presentations at major JRS Power to Gas Workshop online
Om May 3-4, 2016, JRC organised a workshop "Power-to-Hydrogen: key challenges and next steps" to present the outcomes of the Sector Forum Energy Management (SFEM) on»