Final ACEA report on tackling the road transport CO2 challenge is out
The “Joining forces to tackle the road transport CO2 challenge”, an initiative launched by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), with the aim to on»
London launches largest Europe-wide FCEV project
Leading motor manufacturers, hydrogen fuel suppliers, the Mayor of London’s Office and energy consultancies from around the globe are signing up to the HyFive project, on»
Toyota backs hydrogen station installer to build network in California
FirstElement Fuel, a startup led by General Motors Co.’s former marketing chief to speed up the opening of hydrogen-fuel stations in California needed for zero-emission cars recently on»
EHA supports IPHE Third H2igher Educational Round in Oslo on May 19, 2014
The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) was established in 2003 as an international partnership to accelerate  the transition to on»
All you do not know about Hydrogen
‘’ALL YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT HYDROGEN’’  an event for students organized by the European Hydrogen Association, Italian Hydrogen Association and FAST - on»
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications in Nantes, France
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications, in Nantes, France
Fuel cell power helps capture wildlife footage BBC Winterwatch TV series
Fuel cell technology has been used to provide a reliable source of off-grid power for remote camera units that recorded wildlife footage in Scotland for on»
EC presents preliminary results EU Consumer Market Scoreboard on fuel prices and labelling
At the last Expert Group of Future Transport Fuels coordinated by DG MOVE, a preview of the 10th edition of EU Consumer Market Scoreboard on»
Japan revices key ordinances to facilitate hydrogen infrastructure build up
As part of the preparation toward full-fledged dissemination of fuel cell vehicles in 2015, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced that it has revised on»
Air Liquide features fuel cell driving on French national tv
On 15 April, hydrogen developments in France were featured on French national TV during prime time ( news programme at 8.00 p.m)