Clarity on pricetag
Honda executive vice president John Mendel said at the Washington Motor Show on Janaury 25, 2016 that the Honda Clarity FCEV sedan will cost about $60,000 on»
Dutch Presidency Priorities
The Dutch government has highlighted its priorities for  its EU presidency in the EU parliament on January 11, 2016 on»
FCH JU Info Day on latest Call February 3, 2016
Registration is open for the Info Day on February 3, 2016 in Brussels on the lateest FCH JU call 2016: for more info click on»
Czech H2 Technology Platform organizes 3rd edition Hydrogen Days
The Czech H2 Technology Platform, EHA's national association member in the Czech Republic, is organizing the third addition of the Hydrogen Days on April 8-9 on»
Piedmont (Italy) sees first fuel cell installation at waste water plant
Fuel Cell Finland Industry Group at the last EHA national association meeting in Brussels on January 14, 2016 announced that a  SOFC plant will be on»
WHEC 2016 Abstracts Call huge success!
WHEC 2016 organizers received more than 770 Abstracts from 57 countries which means the WHEC 2016 is on its way to become one of main events on»
Fuel Cell concept cars at Detroit Motor Show
Two Fuel Cell cars concepts have been shown at the Detroit's Auto Show that is taking place Janaury 18 - 24, 2016 on»
Buses, Trucks, Trains and Boats: 2016 FCH JU Call goes multi modal!
The latest FCH JU Call 2016 was published on January 16, 2016 offering exciting opportunities for the validation of large bus fleets and urban trucks on»