Germans get ahead with hydrogen filling stations
Germany could be the first country to have a hydrogen filling station network for hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. That’s because the number of hydrogen-fuelled fillings stations is on»
EU presents its protocol for the Paris COP 21 Climate conference
The EU Commission published its Paris Protocol on February 25, 2015 in order to promote collective action consistent with the IPCC's findings on»
AFC Energy Successfully Doubles Fuel Cell Stack Size in January Trial
The successful trial of the 51 cell stack affirms delivery of the third key milestone in the 2015 POWER-UP programme (as articulated in AFC’s RNS on»
Symbio FCell delivers first 5 Kangoo ZE electric utilities with fuel cell range extenders in La Manche
Symbio FCell has delivered the first five Renault Kangoo ZE Light commercial vehicles (LCVs) powered by its hydrogen Fuel Cell Range-Extender, as part of on»
H2TRUST finalizes EU portal on safety regarding FC and H2 Technologies
H2TRUST, a project cofunded by the FCH JU, aims to support a smooth and well managed transition to full scale commercialisation of FCH applications in on»
Polish Forum SMART ENERGY conversion & storage
The 5th Polish Forum SMART ENERGY conversion & storage will take place in Bialka Tatrzanska, from 22nd to 25th of September 2015 on»
EHA goes Latvia
As Latvia has taken up the EU presidency this first half year of 2015 the EHA would like to feature the FC and H2 activities on»
SME first to profit from EU Fund for Strategic Investment
Following a decision by the Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on February 17, 2015  small and medium-sized on»