
HyProfessional Partners
FHA, Foundation for Hydrogen in Aragon (Spain) (COORDINATOR)

  • FHA has participated in H2-training projects funded by the Leonardo Program, organizes and participates in university courses and e-learning initiatives related to hydrogen and fuel cells. Its installations and labs are used for organizing practices in different Master and University courses and it has organized several scientific congress and workshops related to hydrogen technologies. It has a good relationship with authorities and industry.

Environment Park (Italy)

  • Environment Park boasts the HySy Lab (Hydrogen System Laboratory), a centre of excellence for hydrogen technologies. HySyLab was conceived as a centre of aggregation for the Piedmont Hydrogen System and for people working in the sector, as a support laboratory for small and medium-sized companies and as a training centre for future technicians working in the applied research sector. They also have experience and competences in educational programs and activities.


  • UNIDO ICHET is particularly concerned with the  role of education for the implementation of a hydrogen inclusive economy.  ICHET gives short training courses and organizes workshops to graduate students, academics and government agencies about hydrogen technologies, hydrogen production, storage, safety, fuel cell technologies and system integration. These courses, given by internationally known experts, also provide practical demonstrations and an opportunity to use the Centre’s fuel cell test and analytical measurements laboratory for the most advanced research in the field. ICHET has a state of the art fuel cell and analytical testing laboratories.  These laboratories are equipped with state of the art equipment for research as well as educational and training activities to give students the opportunity to do hands-on experimentation and integration.

FAST (Belgium, Italy)

  • The Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Techniche has also been part of the former European OPET and IRC networks of the European Commission and is part of the new EU Enterprise Europe Network. Through these activities FAST has built a vast network of local sustainable energy and transport contacts in national and regional energy innovation agencies in Europe, as well as an excellent standing with the European Commission. It also has built an expertise in organizing training courses on environmental management and impact assessment through its collaboration with the Italian VIA centre for environmental impact assessment.

WBZU (Germany)

  • The fuel cell education and training center Ulm (Weiterbildungszentrum Brennstoffzelle Ulm) provides high level education and training in the field of fuel cell and hydrogen technology while addressing the needs of all different target groups from trade, industry, academia, and schools is the society’s key task. They have two seminar rooms (each for up to 30 persons) and 7 labs for practical training (test benches, etc).  WBZU will organize one of the pilot actions for “training the trainers”.

San Valero Foundation (Spain)

  • For awareness purposes, as well as for validating the results and testing a demonstration activity (pilot action) will be carried out in the existing e-learning platform in four languages (ES, IT, EN and GE) of the project H2-training (Leonardo Program), which has developed the curricula design in four languages for technicians in hydrogen technologies and a manual for training of trainers.  E-learning activities facilitate the access of more pupils/trainees from companies, research centers and other target groups that will be identified by levels and sectors. The results of other educational projects/initiatives (manuals, good practices, curricula etc.) will be asked for and used to improve the training materials too. Collaboration with other educational/training actions will be sought.

Association Midi Phyrenees (FR)

  • Association Midi Phyrenees (FR) is also specialized in e-learning aspects .

JRC (Belgium)

  • JRC  (Commission of the European Communities – Directorate General Joint Research Centre)  has state-of-the-art fuel cell and hydrogen test facilities at its disposal. This makes it a valuable partner in many research fields. Through numerous collaborations, access to many facilities is granted to young researchers and scientists via dedicated calls, within research collaborations and by providing hands-on training opportunities. With respect to sustainability in the energy sector and the safe, secure and efficient energy production, distribution and use, the focus of the JRC’s work is on new and renewable energy sources and carriers, including hydrogen, where solid competences have already been developed. This will provide support to Community policies.

CPI (United Kingdom)

  • CPI (The Centre for Process Innovation) ’s location rests within a large hydrogen production area, therefore the region has many organizations who have work experience with Hydrogen and who would benefit from specialist Fuel Cell & Hydrogen training. Technologists from around the country are taking advantage of CPI’s fuel cell and hydrogen testing laboratories. CPI has also successfully demonstrated the use of hydrogen as an energy store several times – most notably in the world’s first hydrogen fuel cell powered lighthouse on Teesside.