Category: Featured

HyProfessionals publishes results on H2 Training Status in Europe

Please consult the following HyProfessionals documents: Deliverable 9: Specific proposals developed Deliverable 10: Development of selected training initiatives Deliverable 11: Pilot actions report The documents include detailed information on: The proposals developed and the next steps to establish them. Also the results of the pilot actions are shown in the pilot actions report.

HyProfessionals publishes results on H2 Training Status in Europe

Please consult the following HyProfessionals document: Deliverable 8: Gap analysis The document include detailed information on: Gap analysis – Identification and analysis of educational gaps and needs. This information will define a European strategic working plan to launch initiatives and proposals which help to solve the situation in a right way

Access to the Course Online

HyProfessionals project has developed an online course in order to train technicians and vocational training centres (teachers and students) in electric vehicle, hydrogen and FCEVs. Link to access to the course (it is necessary to be registered):

HyProfessionals publishes results on H2 Training Status in Europe

Please consult the following HyProfessionals documents: Deliverable 3: Best educational practices report Deliverable 6: Target groups and stakeholders identification The documents include detailed information on: D3: Best educational practices Compilation of the most important educational projects in the area we are concerned with training in fuel cells and hydrogen technologies of the European community D6: …

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D6 Draft for review

D6_AGV1 Deliverable D6 Target groups identification

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HyProfessionals publishes results on H2 Training Status in Europe

Please consult the following HyProfessionals documents: Deliverable D2 Funding programs analysis report Deliverables D5_final+annex The documents include detailed information on: D2 Funding programs analysis report: Information on potential funding programs in Spain, France, Germany,  Italy and United Kingdom and Turkey as well as EU programs to develop H2 training programs. The focus of the report is …

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Questionnaire for Stakeholders in Education and Industry

The HyPROFESSIONALS project  aims to identify the educational gap between industry demands and the current level of education in hydrogen technologies. In this effort, the project partners have designed a short questionnaire in which we ask hydrogen and fuel cell field from the educational and industrial sector to fill in the status according to their institution. …

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Today’s technicians and students are the next generation of potential fuel cell users and designers. Educating future professionals is a critical step towards the widespread acceptance and implementation of hydrogen fuel cell technology. The HyPROFESSIONALS project aims to develop training initiatives for technical professionals and to develop a well-trained work-force which will secure the required mid- …

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These initiatives have to be carried out for various educational levels and including industry, SMEs, educational institutions and Authorities. Coordination and cooperation are key factors to fulfil the objective: develop a well-trained work-force which will support technological developments. Contact with other European vocational training programs will be key to successful outreach of the project.

Summer School on PEM Fuel Cells July 16 -20, 2012 Nevsehir, Turkey 16 -20

The Accredited International Summer School on “PEM Fuel CellFundamentals” is organised by the European Commission, DirectorateGeneral Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport(IET), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (ICHET) and the Ovidius University of Constanta. The Accredited International Summer School is aimed at: Master students (with a BSc …

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