
Work package 1: Mapping of existing training programs in EU


  • Identification of projects, actions, initiatives and courses on-going in EU to provide a good base for educational actions. Identification of opportunities and capabilities in the EU. Create a library of educational materials to serve the needs of multiple target audiences. The work package includes the identification of funding programs which allow supporting new educational projects/initiatives to join efforts towards a European curriculum in hydrogen technologies at different levels and with different educational methodologies.

Work package 2: Proposals for specific initiatives on educational and outreach programs


  • Identification of the target groups and stakeholders by activity sector. Development of specific proposals/initiatives to deal with and cover the educational needs. The existing programs will be used in an efficient and effective manner for ramping up the obtaining of a well-trained task force. Audience needs will be researched before new educational materials or programs are developed. It is important work in parallel the target audience and the education objectives due to the needs are different too often.

Work package 3: Implementation of broad, efficient outreach education programs


  • Development of the identified actions and activities to cover different levels and audiences identified at short- mid-term in hydrogen technologies and fuel cells. Training pilot actions for validation of didactic resources and activities.

Work package 4: Management, monitoring and assessment


  • Management of the consortium activities and administrative work to report to the European Commission. Adequate assignment of resources, monitoring, assessment, verification and validation of the results obtained during the project life. Every partner is involved in every WP due to it is necessary the participation of all countries to reach successfully the best results. The responsibility has been split into WPs and Tasks to facilitate the management. Some of them have been working together in other projects or have previous relations (by means of N.ERGHY, HyRaMP, EHA,…). We consider that this is not a risk for the project. The decision making process is based on consensus which has been easy to achieve in the past.

Work package 5: Diffusion strategy and dissemination plan


  • Provide a forum for debate and creative thinking regarding the opportunities of educational and training activities related to hydrogen technologies. Perform general activities focused in dissemination of the project and its results. Improve public acceptance and perceptions of the hydrogen technologies and fuel cells. Create a point to exchange knowledge, experiences and educational materials with stakeholders, building visibility. Dissemination of results and activities to industry, public agencies, training/educational institutions/professionals and research.