In 2000 five national hydrogen organisations established the European Hydrogen Association (EHA) and started a close collaboration to promote the use of hydrogen as an energy vector in Europe. In 2004 major European industries active in the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies joined the EHA and enforced this effort to create a commercial market for stationary and transport applications and a role as market leader for the European hydrogen and fuel cell sector. The EHA currently represents 21 national hydrogen and fuel cell organisations and the main European companies active in the hydrogen infrastucture development. Its unique membership structure has enabled the EHA to have up-close insight in local developments and to communicate important issues regarding industrial and regulatory needs to key decision makers at EU level. Since 2008 the EHA is hosting the European Association for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions, HyER (formerly HyRaMP) representing over 35 regions active in clean electric power and vehicles deployment.
The missions of the Association are defined as follows:
1. Information
1.1. Collect relevant information and circulate it between members (scientific, economical and technical, laws and regulations, requests for proposals, events, etc.). Encourage exchanges and joint actions between members.
1.2. Identify and advertise hydrogen-related capabilities existing in Europe (not restricted to those of members). Inform the different relevant segments of society through adapted means (specialists, elected officials, industrial companies, public bodies, teachers, students, research scientists, media and general public). Promote European capabilities with a view to fostering European participation to national and international projects and to European programs, in particular through the organization of specialized workshops, and the creation of events. Promote the views of the Association at national level in Europe by direct contact with relevant national authorities, and at European level by contact with European Union organizations, including with the European Parliament and the European Commission.
2. Representation
2.1. Interface with national and international organizations, and with public bodies in Europe, especially in the area of laws, standards and regulations.
2.2. Promote cooperation between its members.
2.3. Promote cooperation with similar associations in the rest of the world.
2.4. Actively promote the creation of national hydrogen associations in European countries where such associations do not exist. Assist candidate founders in drawing-up statutes, and by promoting their projects with their local authorities, universities and industrial organizations.
2.5. Actively seek a good coordination of hydrogen-related events in Europe.
2.6. Appoint representatives to become members of advisory bodies, scientific institutions, etc.
3. Expertise
3.1. Identify and maintain a list of experts belonging to member companies and/or organizations that the Association will advertise and propose to appropriate organizations in Europe and in the rest of the world.
3.2. Encourage research & development initiatives that have innovative potential, in particular by suggesting topics to the European Commission’s R&D program.
3.3. Effect any studies for the benefit of the Association, either directly or by contracting to outside specialists. Effect specific socio-economic studies at European level in order to show the economic-societal impact of the use of hydrogen at European level. Stress the economical aspects and health aspects, the use of hydrogen being seen as a way towards facilitating replacement of expendable energies by renewable energies.
3.4. Encourage the setting-up of technical projects that can facilitate the use of hydrogen or solve critical issues.
3.5. Be active in the area of standards : propose or participate to the creation of European or international standards, or any other technical documents relating to hydrogen, and advertise such standards or documents.
3.6. Identify relevant expertise outside Europe.
3.7. Identify relevant expertise in topics indirectly related to hydrogen, such as renewable energies, etc.
4. Education & Training
4.1. Promote the training of young research students, technicians and engineers in areas relevant to the object of the Association.
4.2. Promote the teaching of hydrogen-related techniques and technology, and related socio-economic aspects, and the introduction of hydrogen-related modules in courses on related topics (Environment, renewable energies, industrial uses, etc..).