EHA Climate Brief Week 22: towards $15 trillion renewable investments
IRENA's latest edition of Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050 stated that electricity generated from renewables can start to reduce CO2 emissions immediately and on»
EHA Climate Brief Week 23 Fourth State of the Energy Union: hydrogen can also play an important role? Really?
The Commission on April 9 published the 4th State of the Energy Union report highlighting the key priorities of the Juncker Commission by stocking on»
EHA Climate Brief 21 South Korea flying to a hy-economy
South Korea has set plans, released on 20 March 2019, to shift its entire commercial vehicles - including trucks and construction equipment - to run on»
EHA Climate Brief Week 19: From Sunday speeches to Monday action?
Brussels is flooded with energy transition events in view of the Gas Package on»
Leading airlines fail to meet emission-cutting plans beyond 2020
The London School of Economics' Grantham Research Institute published a study on 5 March observing world leading airlines’ carbon management practices and their emissions on»
Affordable Hydrogen from Solar Power
After 10 years of research and development, Professor Johan Martens' group of bioscience engineers at KU Leuven finally created a solar panel that produces hydrogen on»
EU Member States take on Truck Emissions and Boost Zero-Emission
EU member states have reached a provisional agreement in the early hours of February 19, pushing truckmakers to cut carbon emissions of trucks sold on»
EU Parliament looks at H2 in existing German coal
At a Workshop on February 19, 2019 the EU Parliament  picked up on the latest German ambition as communicated on  January 26, 2019 by the read on»
H2 fuelling making waves..
In response of the climate objective to reduce CO2 emissions and for the reduction of environmental footprint from global shipping, Moss Maritime, along with on»