When: 30 May, 2011

Coordinated by the Spanish Hydrogen Association (www.aeh2.org) and the Energy and Environment ARIEMA, SL (www.ariema.com) over 200 students have taken part in the course with the help of professional experts in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The 10th edition began on the 30th of May untill July 8th.

The course touches upon all the technologies for the production, stockpiling and use of hydrogen as well as real-life applications of hydrogen and fuel cells.

The course is aimed at people with a general technical training, which wish to deepen their knowledge on proposed subject area. It is especially suitable for people who are working on some aspect of hydrogen technology, and want to have a larger and clearer overview, as well as those planning to launch a career in these subjects. The course also presents an opportunity to acquire additional specialized training in preparation for entry into the labor market.

For more information see: AEH2